On Call Information Sheet for
Penelope Throndsen
Penelope Throndsen
Date of birth:
September 14, 1999
39 Nelson Ave, Minster on Sea, Sheerness ME12 3SE, UK

PT has a diagnosis of Cerebral palsy. PT will vocalise her wishes, wants and preferences to staff.
PT is a wheelchair user and is supported to transfer from her bed to her chair or vice versa via a moving and handling belt, this is placed around her waist and staff hold the handles either side of her belt to offer PT guidance when she is standing and walking.
PT can display challenging and self-injurious behaviours and has displayed these behaviours when being supported with transfers. This has meant that staff have been hit, grabbed, punched, bit, and had their hair pulled.
PT has an armchair and wheelchair and is awaiting a new wheelchair due to pressure areas on her bottom.
PT has set times in her chair at present (please see handover) as advised by district nurses to prevent pressure sores opening on her bottom.
PT is supported with regular pad changes throughout the day and night. In the morning PT is supported to transfer onto her commode and given privacy to pass a bowel movement she is then supported with a shower and supported to dry and transfer back onto her bed and dress. She is then supported to transfer into her wheelchair (if she is going out) or her armchair. Her wheelchair is not suitable for PT to spend long periods of time in.
PT is supported with all her daily living skills with her 1:1 support, Staff support PT with her eating if the meal requires cutlery if the meal is something that PT can pick up with her fingers for example chips PT will feed herself, staff are to support PT with all her fluids which PT will drink via straw. PT has ensure sachets that are added to her meals to help build her weight up as she is currently severely underweight. PT is supported with her medication at 09:00 and at 20:00.
Last Updated: